Our students are well-rounded and busy! Every day the students at Saint Mary School can be found actively pursuing their interests outside of our regular academics. The Extracurricular Activities at Saint Mary School not only mold our students, but also enable them to share their gifts with the community. There are any number of activities, like those listed below. When students show an interest in an activity that is not already offered, new activities can be started.
Afterschool Enrichment | Band | Basketball | Christmas Pageant | Cross Country | LEGO Club | NJHS | STEM Day |
Service Club | Student Council |
Our Art teacher works with all the students to produce nearly museum-quality pieces of art that gets displayed throughout the school. Our students also have the opportunity to submit one of their pieces of art into the Youth Art Month at the Worcester Art Museum competition. In 2024 three of our students submitted pieces of art and Juli Haugli's piece won in the 8th grade category.
Mr. Cook teaches Band to grades 4-8. Their weekly lessons take them from the very first steps of putting an instrument together and learning how to read music all the way to performing in groups for the Christmas and Spring Concerts. Watch one of our performances.
Grades 5 through 8 have Boys and Girls teams that play in the Catholic School League - East Conference.
Each year just before Christmas, EVERY SINGLE St. Mary School student and staff member get together to put on an awesome, meaningful, musical Christmas pageant. Audiences are consistently impressed by the talent!
Boys and girls in grades 5-8 participate in Cross Country meets during the months of September and October against area Catholic Schools and AMSA. Students practice locally and compete at meets in neighboring towns. They learn that running builds stamina, strength, and endurance both physically and mentally. Runners not only compete against others, but they also work on improving themselves. They learn to support their teammates and fellow competitors.
Click here to Learn more about Cross Country.
All students participate in STEM activities during the year and also participate in the Massachusetts Annual STEM Week. Our school also holds a STEM day every year, where our teachers take a back seat and let students ask, imagine, plan, create and improve. Students are challenged to resolve different problems according to their grade. In the past, students have built tall towers, created sound-proofed containers, catapulted eggs and programmed Legos and Arduino devices. Guest speakers involved in STEM professions come to our school and bring real world examples to our students. Watch one of our STEM days.
The Service Club at Saint Mary School is an opportunity for students to live their faith by serving others in need around them. Any student in Grades 5-8 is welcome to participate. Monthly planning meetings take place during lunch, and service projects occur after school. Some projects we have participated in recently include holding book drives for low-income families, making blessing bags for the homeless, and cleaning at Visitation House in Worcester.
Student Council is a group of elected students from each class from grades one to eight. The students from each class elect one male and one female. The student council members must be a model for the behavior of the other children at school. The reason our school has student council is so people from the classes who want to make a change can do so though the student council students. The members of student council meet once a month along with Faculty Advisors to discuss growing ideas, issues or class requests. Things that the student council is currently talking about are: the bully box, canned vegetables at lunch and, morning arrival back up.