Here at St. Mary School we attempt to create an atmosphere of Christian values and ideals. We teach the children to look upon Religion, not as another subject, but rather as a way of living, a process of developing a lifelong relationship with God. This goal is achieved through various means, one of which is our Religion textbook. In addition to the basic text, we begin and end our school day with prayer. All students learn about Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, the Saints, the Blessed Mother, and the Holy Days of Obligation. During the seasons of Advent and Lent, the Fourth and Fifth Graders are given the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In May all the children participate in the "Living Rosary" and the crowning of Mary.
In the Fourth Grade Religion curriculum, the main focus is on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Ten Commandments. Students prepare to receive God's mercy and forgiveness. They closely examine each of the Ten Commandments as a guide by which to live their lives. The textbook they use is entitled We Believe, God's Law Guides Us by Sadlier Publishing Co.
The students are taught to enflesh the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and the Beatitudes by reaching out to those in need through various service projects performed throughout the school year. They respond to the particular needs that arise as far away as Haiti, or as close as St. Anne's Food Bank here in Shrewsbury. The children are taught to put their love of God into action.
The student body participates in liturgies each month throughout the school year providing opportunities for the children to develop a greater love and appreciation of the Mass. Each grade is responsible for the preparation and direct participation at the Liturgy through Scripture readings, altar servers, gift bearers, or choir members.
Text: Storytown Harcourt School Publishers 2009
The fourth grade reading program is a literature-based reading program that integrates language arts and holistic instruction into classroom reality. It continues with emphasis placed on further developing comprehension, phonetics, listening, critical thinking, and speaking skills. An appreciation and mastery of independent reading continues to be fostered by weekly visitations to the school library and by making use of the classroom library.
We use the Spelling Connections Program and the writing instruction that is integrated in the reading program as well as a variety of other sources.
Specific skills taught in Grade Four:
phonics context clues language study speaking writing thinking strategies summarizing genres using resources vocabulary | sequencing main idea/details drawing conclusions comprehension point of view author’s viewpoint/purpose characterization critical response classify/categorize oral reading compare/contrast | predicting outcomes inferencing figurative language learning from graphic aids story elements cause/effect personal response making judgements
listening oral strategies |
Review of previous year’s skills
Text: Our Country’s Regions MacMillan/ McGraw-Hill 2005
The grade 4 social studies program is organized around eight categories, or strands: History; Geography; Economics; Government; Citizenship; Culture; Science, Technology, and Society; and Social Studies Skills. It is a comprehensive program that pays tribute to the noble values of our country while teaching the importance of freedom and patriotism. The curriculum includes the following:
Text: Elevate Science 4, Savvas Learning Company 2019
We are currently using the Next Generation Science Standards
Savaas Envision
Math Common Core Standards
Grade 4 Overview
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
Numbers and Operations-Fractions
Measurement and Data
Mathematical Practices
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. look for an express regularity in repeated reasoning
Grades are based on chapter tests, quizzes, participation, daily work including classwork and homework.
It is important that students master all of the basic facts. Practice using flash cards. or utlizing online math games are excellent ways to gain mastery,
Essential Question: How is technology affecting the learning process?
Technology is integrated across the curriculum in Grades PreK-8. Technology activities build on prior knowledge of software and Internet use.
Students in Grade 4 have been assigned a Saint Mary Google email account. This email account is strictly for school use. Students will use a Chromebook and access class assignments found in the Grade 4 Google Classroom.
Students in grade 4 have a weekly technology class.
The following is a sampling of technology use and is subject to change based on new applications and curriculum.